Research Report: The Impact of the Indonesia Council of Ulama (MUI) Fatwa on Female Genitalia Cutting (FGC) and FGC Technical Guidance from the Ministry of Health (MoH)

No Panggil: 297.441 8 UDD r

Klasifikasi: Islam, Babism & Bahai Faith

Pengarang: Jurnalis Uddin

Pengarang tambahan: Artha B.S. Duarsa, Zuhroni, dkk

Penerbit: Universitas Yarsi Press

Bahasa: Inggris

ISBN: 978-979-9186-23-2

Halaman/Ukuran: xix, 376 hlm hal/22,4 cm


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    20032700 Copy: C.1 Ed. . Cet. 1, 2015 Perpustakaan PPs Tersedia
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